
Heavenlight - Kesia - 2

Pastor Heavenlight Luoga is TAM’s representative in Tanzania. Pastor Heavenlight and his wife, Kesia, are co-laborers in the kingdom and have been blessed with three daughters and two sons. . He is the pastor of Deeper Life Ministry Church in Kayanga, Karagwe. Pastor Heavenlight is a gifted pastor, teacher, and preacher with a passion to reach people for Christ and for training pastors and church leaders for the work of the ministry.


Touching Africa Ministries hosts four Schools of Ministry in four different communities across Tanzania. Participants come from Tanzania; as well as, from Uganda, D. R. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, and Kenya. The conferences affords opportunities for participants to study God’s Word together, fellowship with their ministry peers, and to pray together for the work of ministry in East Africa. Pastor Heavenlight facilitates the Schools of Ministry and assists Michael in teaching on behalf of Touching Africa Ministries.


Touching Africa Ministries broadcasts bi-weekly radio programs on Radio Lumuli  FM 98.5 in Bukoba Tanzania. Pastor Heavenlight Luoga is our co-host and he interprets Michael’s sermons into Swahili. The program has a potential listening audience of over one million people.